Category: Uncategorized

  • A Nerd Buys an Apple TV

    Or, why maybe a Kodi setup isn’t really all it’s cracked up to be. For most people, at least.

  • A Mea Culpa For The Precision 7720

    I realize I owe my venerable Dell Precision 7720 a big, big apology.  It was the laptop that finally freed me from being oh so limited. Before I got it back in 2019, I was stuck with a 2015 MacBook Pro that–while a great machine–it overheated if I threw anything demanding at it, or bothered…

  • On Apple’s aggressive dropping of old hardware

    ‘round the web, I’m seeing people react to Intel Macs getting left out of macOS Ventura’s featureset, and in response to people justifiably tilted about it, I see a trend: People saying “if you’re surprised by this, you don’t remember the PowerPC to Intel transition”. Oh boy! I do! And it wasn’t as bad as…

  • On the death of the iPod

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock you probably know that Apple finally killed off the last vestige of the iPod by ceasing production of the iPod touch this month. (May, 2022 for those of you in the future.) I really don’t take much pleasure in saying the word “finally”, rather, it is an acknowledgement…

  • Trust is a currency that is easy to spend, hard to earn

    Earlier this year, Google sent out a nastygram to those of us who were still using our Google Apps For Your Domain (henceforth abbreviated to “GAFYD”)/G Suite Legacy Free accounts that we were finally being shown the door, and we now had to pay to play or take our toys and get out. (Even though–oh,…

  • A missive on why the iPad is not a real computer

    I’ve seen it around social media and some news sites. Hell, maybe you’ve seen it too: People that sing the praises of the iPad as this “real computer” and wondering why people need conventional computers anymore. For some people who don’t ask a lot of their computers, maybe it could work? But for most of…

  • How to use your old iPod as a FireWire rescue disk for vintage Macs

    As some of these old PowerPC (and early intel) Macs age, sometimes you’ll find that their optical drives may not be up to snuff and some of these older Macs can’t actually do like most Windows machines and USB boot. If you have a FireWire capable iPod and a FireWire cable for it, however, you’re…

  • Stop buying shitty laptops.

    Excuse the expletive in the title, but this is something that I tell people often enough that I feel the need to commit some pixels on a blogpost about it. First, Steve/Mac84 made an excellent video about buying used Macs and also swatting down some FUD from Macworld saying you shouldn’t bother. It’s an excellent…

  • You Don’t Own It

    This is something that’s been kicking around my head for a while and with the news that the 3DS and Wii U eShops’ days are numbered, it’s time to just…rant about it. If there’s something I wish society would change, that it would unite and fight against something, it’s this mentality that has just…infested absolutely…

  • On the “Apple allowing 3rd party App Stores/sideloading will be bad” narrative

    I think it’s a bunch of FUD, to put it simply. Let’s go further than that, though. We can already kind of see the effects of sideloading by looking at Apple’s primary competitor: Android. Android (at least as a product that an end user can buy in a retail store) has been around since 2008…