• Never forget when they spit in your face

    Talking about why I just…hate what Android has become and how Google has spat in the face of those who helped get Android where it is.

  • Oregon passes ban on parts pairing

    Thoughts on parts pairing and right to repair in the wake of Oregon banning the practice of said pairing.

  • On Apple getting its collective ass handed to it

    Expressing disdain with Apple’s direction as of late, but mostly ranting about how Apple Music just hosed the direction of the company.

  • Various notes on recapping a G4 MDD Power Supply (AcBel API1PC36)

    Embarking on one hell of a recapping adventure, and documenting the process as best as I can. Yay.

  • Songs With Stories: The Birthday Massacre’s “Movie”

    First off, to introduce what I hope is going to be a series: You ever just…listen to a song, and you just close your eyes and it takes you back to a very specific moment in time, and you can’t help but associate said song with that moment in time? That’s what this is. Writing…

  • Apple’s Entitlement

    “Apple is right to charge 30%, it’s their platform. They own it.” This is the line of logic I keep seeing The Apple Faithful use. They’re allowed to charge the fee! They own the platform! They put in all the hard work for developer resources and the App Store! (Even though this is precisely what…

  • The iPhone 15 Pro Max was a mistake

    I really should have either stayed the course with the 13 Pro, or sold it and bought a 13 Pro Max because that phone was just too good. I feel the honeymoon period with the 15 Pro Max (I’m just going to call it the 15 Pro from here on out) has long since ended…

  • Maybe don’t do gaming laptops

    A good friend in search of a laptop reminded me that I should probably share my experience with regards to gaming laptops. She has a set of criteria that has to be met, and a number of people have recommended gaming laptops for the purpose. (Honestly, this piece has always been waiting to be written…

  • Health Care Fun

    2024 is off to a great start. This is something I had hoped would come to pass, but I suppose no, it’s true, and while it’s hardly the end of the world it still sucks. I got a fun letter in the mail earlier in December saying that hey, my monthly premiums for Medicare Part…

  • Yet Another Fun Thing Ruined By Conservatives

    I still mourn the loss of Twitter. It’s not dead (well, the name is, but the service ain’t), but it is one of those things that got ruined by conservatives because clearly conservatives can’t ever be good house guests and not defecate all over whatever space they’re in and make it just worse for everyone.…