Category: personal

  • Health Care Fun

    2024 is off to a great start. This is something I had hoped would come to pass, but I suppose no, it’s true, and while it’s hardly the end of the world it still sucks. I got a fun letter in the mail earlier in December saying that hey, my monthly premiums for Medicare Part…

  • No Place at the Table

    This has been stewing in my mind for a bit. I’ve written and rewritten and taken notes on this kinda thing multiple times but I think the best way to keep the scope in check is to just keep it simple, and the focus narrow. This is going to get a bit…disjoint and rambly, and…

  • A tale about my first new Mac (and its fate)

    Throughout my teenage years, I got by on less. All of my computers were built from ewaste, and up until the last year of high school my main machine was a Power Mac G4 Sawtooth with a Celeron shitbox running XP somewhere in the background. Both machines tossed out by their previous owners. 2006, however,…

  • X

    It still feels like yesterday, but…this month, turns ten years old. It would have been longer, but things…happened. And this used to actually be once upon a time, too! I let things lapse for a little bit after this site arguably cost me a job opportunity with none other than Apple. Back in…

  • Fsck the gatekeepers of photography.

    WARNING: Colorful language ahead. I’ve been a hobbyist photographer for over 10 years. I started out on little point and shoots, upgraded to a prosumer point and shoot (PowerShot G11, how I loved thee), and finally shifted over to a real deal DSLR with a Canon Rebel XS, and the rest was history. I mostly…

  • Nobody cared who I was until I brought out the DSLR

    A few weeks ago, I actually got out of the house for a second and went to an outdoor Farmer’s Market. I usually am not a person that goes out much, but in pandemic times I usually keep to myself because people don’t know how to behave. Sad but true. Having not used it in…